Sunday, March 25, 2007

Film lesson: "Night and fog"

It is grosses and sad. Yes the film is very powerful because is shows everything like blood, cut, getting shoot, getting bourn, and private parts. It compare with the scenes you viewed from Schindler's List because in this film it shows more of every thing. This film is the real video from the real place and death. The Schindler’s List was made it was move from the Hollywood. I think the documentary was more effective than the Hollywood version.

Film lesson: "Schindler's list"

Schindler's List helped the Jews by lating them work in his factory that works for the German. He seved ther lives by making them work in his factory . He was a mamber of the german's or Hitler's solders. but he was a good guy. He didn't want the jews to die so he couldn't save all of them but ailist he saved some hundreds .
For you as a viewer the most powerful scenes were the children. It was so sad and wrong.
The images that stay with me from the film is the people and the children getting shoot or killed. It is so so sad. Like the children being burned alive and they use there body parts to make some. Thing that is just wrong.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The treaty of versailles (ended WW I)
There have been several treaties of Versailles over the years, but the Treaty of Versailles usually refers to the one marking the end of World War I, and saddling Germany with all the blame and reparations of the war. In short, without the Treaty of Versailles, which further humiliated and degraded the already war-torn German people, Hitler would not have had a political platform from which to spew his hate mongering, and there would have been no World War II.
Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) and the Modernization of T...
On May 19, 1919, Mustafa Kemal Pasha landed in the Black Sea port of Samsun to startthe War of Independence. In defiance of the Sultan's government, he rallied a liberationarmy in Anatolia and convened the Congress of Erzurum and Sivas which established thebasis for the new national effort under his leadership. On April 23, 1920, the GrandNational Assembly was inaugurated. Mustafa Kemal Pasha was elected to its Presidency. Fighting on many fronts, he led his forces to victory against rebels and invadingarmies. Following the Turkish triumph at the two major battles at Inonu in Western Turkey,the Grand National Assembly conferred on Mustafa Kemal Pasha the title ofCommander-in-Chief with the rank of Marshal. At the end of August 1922, the Turkish armieswon their ultimate victory. Within a few weeks, the Turkish mainland was completelyliberated, the armistice signed, and the rule of the Ottoman dynasty abolished.

US Atomic Bombing of Japan in 1945
Do you agree that the US Atomic Bombing of Japan is the #1 news story of the century? Why or why not.
ANS: Yes I do think the US Atomic Bombing of Japan is the number 1 news story of the century. because this bombing killed over one hundred thousand people and it killed the whole two city Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And it was the first and the last time the atomic bomb was used. So yes it is the number one story in the world not only the country.

Hitler isn’t dead he is stale alive. Now he is in German making atomic bomb to attack the three country that defied hem. Which is USA, UK, and Russia. this would be a crazy story.

I think there all good. nothing need's to be change.

US Atomic Bombing of Japan in 1945
Do you agree that the US Atomic Bombing of Japan is the #1 news story of the century? Why or why not.
ANS: Yes I do think the US Atomic Bombing of Japan is the number 1 news story of the century. because this bombing killed over one hundred thousand people and it killed the whole two city Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And it was the first and the last time the atomic bomb was used. So yes it is the number one story in the world not only the country.

Hitler isn’t dead he is stale alive. Now he is in German making atomic bomb to attack the three country that defied hem. Which is USA, UK, and Russia. this would be a crazy story.

I think there all good. nothing need's to be change.

Saturday, March 10, 2007



Propaganda: ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause.

The England and USA is in war with German. Then German over throw or trick Russia or German surprise act Russia. And then German got in two wars from two sides. From one side USA and England and from the other side Russia. And German is losing the war.



Propaganda: ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause.

The England and USA is in war with German. Then German over throw or trick Russia or German surprise act Russia. And then German got in two wars from two sides. From one side USA and England and from the other side Russia. And German is losing the war.